Coding and Decoding: Exercise-8

  1. In a certain code language "DELHI" is written as "EGOLN" then how will "KERALA" be written in that code?

    1. LGUEGQ
    2. ELGUQG
    3. LGUEQG
    4. GLUQEG

Answer: (c) LGUEQG

Solution: image

  1. In a certain code language "BHUJ" is written as "KWKF" then how will "SURAT" be written in that code?

    1. UCUYX
    2. UCUXY
    3. CUUXY
    4. UUCYX

Answer: (a) UCUYX

Solution: image

  1. In a certain code language "PANJAB" is written as "OYKFVV" then how will "MUMBAI" be written in that code?

    1. LSJXCV
    2. LSJXVC
    3. LXJSCV
    4. LXJSVC

Answer: (b) LSJXVC

Solution: image

  1. In a certain code language "FRUIT" is written as "EQTHS" then how will "JUICE" be written in that code?

    1. ITBHD
    2. ITDBH
    3. TIHDB
    4. ITHBD

Answer: (d) ITHBD

Solution: image

  1. In a certain code language "BOOK" is written as "ILKW" then how will "PENCIL" be written in that code?

    1. JFIIYY
    2. JFYYII
    3. JFYIYI
    4. JFIYIY

Answer: (c) JFYIYI

Solution: image